Miss Beecher’s Domestic Receipt Book (written in 1846) is truly a complete book of cookery, which would be an asset to any housekeeper’s book shelf. Miss Beecher has taken great care with the recipes selected for inclusion, seeking to include those that both best promote health, while relying on ingredients that are readily available and affordable to the average household.
The book is well structured, making it quick and easy to find the recipe desired. Her selection of cake recipes is particularly fine, and I can attest that the Molasses Gingerbread recipe is most excellent, and well worth trying.
Do be aware that, as so many receipt-writers do, Miss Beecher has often omitted the quantities (or indeed any mention of) flour. However, if one remembers this and is familiar with the dish being cooked, common-sense will supply what the ingredient list may lack, and all is bound to turn out right in the end.
Miss Beecher’s Domestic Receipt Book may be purchased here.
Miss Beecher’s Domestic Receipt Book may be read in full here.